Join the gang this week as they get review the last show, and get you ready for this Saturday Night in the Valiant Arena. We will talk about the major announcement that was made surrounding the ASWF Tag Team Championship and the tourney to crown new champs. Also we crowned a new #1 contender for the ASWF Evolution Championship at the last show and we have the info and break down how the new challenger stacks up against the champ. Speaking of the Evolution Champion he has not only the new challenger to worry about. But lately he has had to look over his shoulder for Steve-O! One has to wonder though, just how long Shane will be able to run from the challenger and his enemy. And it was a busy night for the new ASWF Champion Josh Cross but he was able to survive the night with his championship intact. We will discuss if Cross' tactics will propel him to new heights or if they could be his ultimate undoing. All this and more on a brand new ASWF Aftermath Live on Talk Radio 49 and the ASWF Wrestling Facebook Page.