Rickey Rowland and Michael Carnahan started out the last show with a MAJOR announcement as Rowland revealed his 3 competitiors. The owner of the All-Star Wrestling Federation will be represented by Ray Ray, Asa Morta, and Cataclysm The Maniae! In our opening contest the Big Man continued on his roll of wins by taking out the physically imposing Heinzman/Gigglez. Next up we seen X-Ray pull out a huge victory in a triple threat matchup defeating the returning Troy Twain. And Justin Venson who yet again had to deal with issues with his brother costing him another contest. After that the ASWF Champion Josh Cross defeated the ASWF Evolution Champion Steve O in a Champion Vs Champion non title encounter. Next up Luke Justice was without a tag partner last Saturday but he found an adequate replacement. Yet he still came up short against the current ASWF Tag Team Champions Winning The Fight comprised of X Kaliber and Jake Black. Speaking of being without a partner Ray Ray was without a partner before the tag match against Carnahans' cronies. But while Carnahan was gloating in the entry way Ray revealed his plan as he was joined in this match by Cataclysm. However, after some less than ethical tactics DeMike and Tyler Knight picked up a big tag team win, and some much needed momentum. Finally in the Main Event the former tag team champions exploded! As Garion Tyr got the better of former partner Gaston in dramatic fashion. One has to wonder what is next for both of these guys?