What does it take to build a Python library that will be used by a large number of developers? This happens all the in open source. Projects take off and become wildly successful.

What if you could sit down with developers using your library and see how they take to it? Well, over on the Azure team, Kate Olszewska and Johan Stenberg do incredible user testing for Azure's Python SDK.

Just to give you a taste, imagine a room with a computer, a couple of developers unfamiliar with the API, a one-way mirror, and lots of feedback.

Links from the show

Kate on Twitter: @OlszewskaKate

Johan on Twitter: @johan_stenberg

Azure Team on Twitter: @AzureSdk

Azure Python SDK on Github: aka.ms/py-sdk

Azure SDK Releases: aka.ms/azure-sdk-site

Short talk describing our effort and the features: aka.ms/PythonSDKTalk

vcrpy package: github.com/kevin1024/vcrpy




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