Did you come to software development outside of traditional computer science? This is common, and even how I got into programming myself. I think it's especially true for data science and scientific computing. That's why I'm thrilled to bring you an episode with Daniel Chen about maintainable data science tips and techniques.

Links from the show

Daniel on Twitter: @chendaniely

Pandas for Everyone book: amazon.com

pyprojroot project: github.com

Pyopensci: pyopensci.org

Jenny Bryan naming things: speakerdeck.com

Jenny Bryan’s code smells:

Talk: youtube.com

Slides: speakerdeck.com

3 papers that are highly relevant papers:

A Quick Guide to Organizing Computational Biology Projects: journals.plos.org

Best Practices for Scientific Computing: plos.org

Good enough practices in scientific computing: plos.org




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