What if your computer science textbooks could run their python code samples and that code ran directly in your browser, kinda like JavaScript but better, because: Python. It is possible and Brad Miller is making it happen!

This episode is all about Brad Miller's work at Runestone Interactive where they are building the next generation of interactive textbooks for computer science students and the rest of us. As a cool side-effect, Brad is now maintaining Skulpt, one of the leading implementations of Python that runs in your browser!

Links from the show:

Interactive Python: interactivepython.org

Brad Miller: luther.edu/millbr02

Skulpt: skulpt.org

Interactive books: interactivepython.org/runestone/static/thinkcspy/index.html

Runestone at Github: github.com/RunestoneInteractive

Runestone: runestoneinteractive.org

PythonTutor (Topic of show #22): pythontutor.com

Trinket.io: trinket.io

Birth and death of JavaScript (video): destroyallsoftware.com/talks/the-birth-and-death-of-javascript


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