TYP and Jonny stop by for some Radio Trivia Fun! Of course plenty of games to talk about as well including Mario Kart 8, Yooka Laylee and the Impossible Lair, Valfaris, and more.

Hosted by Casey Gibson, Perry Burkum, Michael Cole and Dr. Jonny Metts

Not THAT Sonic 0:00:11
Mario Kart 8 0:05:53
Kirby's Dream Land 3 0:10:45
Yooka Laylee and the Impossible Lair 0:17:36
Valfaris 0:30:35
Celeste DLC 0:43:37
Tetris 99/ Effect 0:53:13
Super Mario Party 0:59:15
eShop Roundup / Giveaway 1:09:48
News Talk 1:21:10
Radio Trivia x TNP Ep. 3 1:32:06
Good-Byes 2:35:36

Giveaway: https://twitter.com/TalkNintendoPod/status/1187519740023136259

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