Greetings Heathens! It’s another Sunday, we are glad you are here joining us. In today’s episode of Talk Heathen, a young Aron Ra (No Wait! It’s Eric Murphy with flat-ironed hair!) is joined by Vi La Bianca. #LaMurph
Let’s get to calls! Jonathan from Arizona would like to talk about Pascal’s Wager. Could we be wrong? Can it be rationally justified? Eric breaks it down for him.
Kevin in New York is up next, don’t worry, this is a different Kevin in New York. He is wondering about morality and his conversation with Matt. Ok…Now he has a list of questions and ends the call with: No no no I’m NOT DONE… Oops!
Returning caller Kevin in New York, yes that Kevin, is wondering about the tools to use to determine whether or not God is real. He wants to talk about Math again. Here we go!
Tony in Canada is asking about “before time” in the universe, “before time” doesn’t really exist nor make any sense. Claims that something that can’t be measured can’t exist and how can we measure time? Is he actually questioning if time exists? Eric would love to dive into this, but we don’t have TIME. LOL!
Shad in Connecticut is wondering about if it is worth having debates with theists and whether it matters in the long run. Should we just let people believe what they want? All this seems so fruitless. Definitely take time off if you need to, but your voice is valuable.
Up next, Alphonse in New Zealand is calling about what the definition of Atheism is and follows up with asking about being alone when questioning faith. Eric and Vi also give their take on their definitions.
Derek in the UK would like to talk about how he believes ghosts are real but he is an atheist. Is he a skeptic? He continues and tells a riveting and spooky ghost story from 1966. Even though this was a great story, it’s likely to have been something explainable and is purely anecdotal.
Simon in Australia wants to talk about how life is what it is and doesn’t need to be complicated. We are in total agreement with you! This sort of discussion is best left for the discord server. See you there Simon!
George in Virginia is up next, as a pluralist theist is wondering how to approach really bad apologist arguments. Eric and Vi discuss this and guide him to a great conclusion.
That’s our show for this week, please continue to be safe out there, wear your mask. The world is better with you in it. See you next week!

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