Walnuts. The most delicious walnuts. They can lead you down the conspiracy theory rabbit hole on your darkest days, but can also make you scratch your head about why things are the way they are. Do we accept them as "the way we do things?" Or do we try something new?

Fourth-generation walnut farmer Kaben Kramer and his wife Jenn are trying new things and making a go of it. But a look at the history of the farm since 1980 and the industry numbers are really head-scratching.

Here are the links I promised in the show:

If you have a question you want me to ask a farmer or an issue you want me to address, just say so. Email me at [email protected].

Listen to the episode with Aubrey Bettencourt about almonds. Similar but different.

Listen to the episode about dairy farming. Eerily similar conundrum.