The U.S. economy has shifted from traditional manufacturing giants to tech behemoths such as Amazon and Apple, driving significant economic and social changes. This evolution, while beneficial, also stirs fears about corporate power and change. Today's digital landscape, according to my guest, Tom Wheeler, mirrors the Gilded Age, suggesting a repeat of history's paradoxes of innovation and corporate excess. Wheeler, former FCC chairman and author of "Techlash," draws parallels between these eras, highlighting how digital entrepreneurs, like their industrial predecessors, create groundbreaking products while often engaging in questionable practices. He talks to me about these dynamics and the need for regulatory oversight in the digital age.






The U.S. economy has shifted from traditional manufacturing giants to tech behemoths such as Amazon and Apple, driving significant economic and social changes. This evolution, while beneficial, also stirs fears about corporate power and change. Today's digital landscape, according to my guest, Tom Wheeler, mirrors the Gilded Age, suggesting a repeat of history's paradoxes of innovation and corporate excess. Wheeler, former FCC chairman and author of "Techlash," draws parallels between these eras, highlighting how digital entrepreneurs, like their industrial predecessors, create groundbreaking products while often engaging in questionable practices. He talks to me about these dynamics and the need for regulatory oversight in the digital age.