Yinghua Vera Wang – is an accomplished fortune 500 executive and successful entrepreneur with 20+ years of demonstrated success in establishing and directing diverse businesses to the next level in revenue and profitable growth. She has a track record of scaling businesses through innovation, strategic marketing strategies, capitalizing on untapped opportunities, and cultivating profitable partnerships. Vera learned the art of survival at an early age working as a single mother in the male dominated competitive fashion industry in an effort to provide for her children. She worked at top-level positions in a fortune 500 company and later built a multi-million-dollar business successfully from the ground up. As of today, she spends a significant amount of her walking moment living her dream by coaching, mentoring and inspiring young and startup businesses with strategies and planning, product sourcing, manufacturing, and creating cohesive branding strategies to ensure business success. Vera is a globally recognized advocate for women empowerment. She is very passionate about inspiring and empowering women to awaken their inner strength and rise to their full potential. One of Vera’s initiatives – Miss Fashion Week – is a 501(c)(3) women empowerment platform that focuses on women’s good health and gender-equality. Within the organization, #YouAreEnough is an initiative to encourage women of all ages to embrace themselves for who they are to boost their self-esteem and self-confidence. She Marketplace is built on top of Miss Fashion Week as an ecommerce platform to help women achieve mental/emotional, physical and financial health. She Marketplace focuses on 3 product pillars: Self Help, Self Care, Self Expression. Vera is a single mother of two beautiful children and served as the CEO of Viviona Fashion Manufacturing and Branding which has helped over 1000 mid to startup fashion brands. Vera calls herself a geeky fashionista. Her two passions are fashion and technology. With a Master’s in Computer Science, she is proficient with digital marketing and a practice expert in social media marketing, SEO, email marketing, and eCommerce. With cross-functional experiences in B2B and B2C, Vera assisted thousands of mid to start-up fashion companies with strategy, sourcing, manufacturing, launching and branding. Vera focuses her life on 5 pillars: spirituality, health, wealth, love, and fulfillment. She is a strong believer of living life with purpose, love and joy and inspired many to do the same.


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