TALK BUSINESS WITH Teri Elizabeth Ellington - Ellington Timepiece Ellington

Timepiece Ltd was created by twenty-four year old, Teri Elizabeth Ellington. The unique watch line was born in 2017. Designing watches from her bedroom, the Sheba Collection was created. With her last eighty-pound after losing her job two months before Christmas, Teri started the business with her first design, The Grey Sheba.

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Watch Uncut behind the scenes video from the podcast interview


00:56 - Take us back to the beginning

01:57 - How bad did things get?

03:31 - How did you spend your last £80

06:08 - Have you always been entrepreneurial?

07:46 - Where do you start when developing a brand new watch brand?

10:18 - How did you identify the skills you needed when you first started?

11:14 - If someone listening had £80 to start a brand new business right now, What advice would you give to them?

12:34 - How key is social media as part of your marketing strategy?

14:35 - The importance of customer service

16:05 - What are some of the hardest lessons you have learnt in Business so far? 17:11 - How do you feel when you see someone wearing one of your watches? 18:13 - what are your biggest strengths and how have they become so?

19:14 - How do you manage your work life balance?

20:51 - Calling all Jewellers

21:34 - How do you keep your Social media followers engaged?

22:56 - What do you want Ellington Timepiece to be known for?

23:50 - You have done a great job of championing mental health issues, What would you say to someone listening that may be where you were?

26:06 - Sheba says hello

26:20 - What has been the biggest highlight of your career so far?

27:23 - What does the future hold?

28:39 - How can people follow your journey?

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