This month on Talk About It, Greg is joined by the CEO of Vesalius Therapeutics and former director of the National Center for Advancing Translational Sciences (NCATS), along with Phil Gattone, co-founder of Talk About It! This episode is all about collaboration, and how it’s possible to make giant strides in the world of medicine through various fields coming together. As Dr. Austin describes, there is often times resistance to share information across fields or specialties, but in the past decade and especially through Covid, the world of medical science, especially as it pertains to conditions like epilepsy, has seen developments that show the whole is truly greater than the sum of its parts. Plus, as a very special treat, don’t miss Dr. Austin showcasing the other side of his expansive brain as he performs opera in front of a live audience! Greg is accompanying, of course!

The Talk About It podcast is sponsored by Seizures Are Signs — dedicated to educating families on the importance of early and specific diagnosis by providing an assessment to help get the conversation started, educational information, stories from families who have found a diagnosis, links to advocacy groups, and more. For more information, go to Seizures are Signs is made available by Jazz Pharmaceuticals