Legendary jazz saxophonist Wayne Shorter once said, "The word 'jazz' means to me 'I dare you. Let's jump into the unknown!'" On this episode, Greg sits down with chairperson and CEO of Jazz Pharmaceuticals, Bruce C. Cozadd as the first in a series of conversations with epilepsy innovators, including heads of pharmaceutical companies and charity organizations. Bruce, having a musical background as a master pianist, relates the improvisation, structure, and cooperation of jazz performance to the corporate development of new medication and therapies for patients in need.

They discuss taking risks, the transparency that is needed for a company in pharmaceuticals, and the importance of community and advocacy. Whether you have epilepsy or another condition, or you are a caregiver of somebody who does, it might feel like jumping into the unknown, but companies like Jazz will be there along the way.

The Talk About It podcast is sponsored by Seizures Are Signs — dedicated to educating families on the importance of early and specific diagnosis by providing an assessment to help get the conversation started, educational information, stories from families who have found a diagnosis, links to advocacy groups, and more. For more information, go to SeizuresAreSigns.com. Seizures are Signs is made available by Jazz Pharmaceuticals