As crypto matures towards full adoption, DeFi will begin to serve as the foundational layer of finance in our society. DeFi offers users financial services and opportunities that traditional finance was never able to provide. Bancor is one of the pioneers and leaders of the DeFi charge and that’s exactly why I wanted to conduct this interview.  

My guests for the week were Mark Richardson and Nate Hindman. Mr. Mark is a data scientist/researcher for Bancor, who has a deep understanding of science, finance, and technology. Mr. Nate is the growth lead at Bancor and he did a very great job explaining how to use Bancor during the interview.  

Throughout the interview, we discussed: what is Bancor and what separates it from other AMM’s, what is single-sided liquidity provision, what is impermanent loss, when and what L2’s will Bancor deploy on, why they chose those L2’s, the future of Bancor, a tutorial on how to use Bancor, and more!