Why does culture return such a high ROI? What about culture makes people spend money? How does this relate to the NFT boom of 2021?  To answer this question, we need to go back in time to the most memorable cultural boom that shook up the world: The Renaissance.  

This episode is a history lesson back in time to when culture first shocked the world and was RECORDED in the history books. Use this episode to draw parallels between time back then and today and I promise you, your conviction in NFTs will grow even stronger.  

There was no one better to help me create this episode than Mr. Josh Rosenthal.  Mr. Josh is a historian and partner at The 6ixth Event crypto founder’s fund. He is a well-respected blockchain researcher and investor.  

Throughout the episode, we discussed: 

What is culture? 

When was the first culture shock? 

Why did it happen and how does it relate to the NFT boom today? 

Is history repeating itself? 

Are there patterns in plain sight? 

How does the coming of the metaverse fit into all of this? 

How the metaverse looks like today and how it will look like tomorrow?

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