This is Tales of War, an audio drama set in the Warcraft universe. As the war between the Horde and Alliance intensifies, we follow the blood elf Kaedien and the gnome Strick in their journeys and adventures.

Chapter 2 - Suprises In the Swamp picks up after the blood elf Kaedien has set out to capture a gnome who is pestering the blood trolls. Why is this gnome so persistent on sabotaging for the blood trolls?

The wonderful Meisio supplied the background audio, which is a mix of original music from World of Warcraft Battle for Azeroth Nazmir and accompanied by night & day / rain ambience sound. Please check out their Youtube channel:

This is a personal piece of fiction and is inspired and based on the game World of Warcraft, but is in no way affiliated with or approved by Blizzard Entertainment.

Nazmir Swamp and Zuldazar Jungle music themes are composed by David Arkenstone and Leo Kaliski
Blood Magic music themes are composed by Clint Bajakian
Loa Bwonsamdi, Loa Paku, Loa Hir'eek Intro, Vanquished, Blood Sacrifice music tracks are composed by Sam Cardon
Loa G'Huun Intro, Loa Old God music tracks are composed by Neal Acree
Naga Incursion theme is composed by Glenn Stafford