We're back! Don't call it a comeback, we've been here for years... ok ok so only one episode previous to this but come on people, work with me here. In this episode we actually have some confessions to read out, 4 to be precise, yeah that's right 4, count em. We also embrace our usual tangents into stories of our own and pop culture references. There's talk of how quickly Daredevil would locate an errant dog turd, mystery kitchen fitters, drunken nights out, electric vehicle joy riding and so much more. Pull up a chair and come join us!

We’re back! Don’t call it a comeback, we’ve been here for years… ok ok so only one episode previous to this but come on people, work with me here. In this episode we actually have some confessions to read out, 4 to be precise, yeah that’s right 4, count em. We also embrace our usual tangents into stories of our own and pop culture references. There’s talk of how quickly Daredevil would locate an errant dog turd, mystery kitchen fitters, drunken nights out, electric vehicle joy riding and so much more. Pull up a chair and come join us!

window.podcastData7ff289ef2457f2 = {"title":"Tales Of The Unattested","subtitle":"The Truth Comes Out Where Anonymity Abounds","description":"Talkin' nerdy & talkin' dirty! Join Caz and Dan for a geeky confessional podcast where people can tell us anything they like anonymously through the website. No subject is off the table. There's also lots of pop culture, films, comics, TV, books, silly news stories and laughs. Give it a try.","cover":"https:\/\/unattested.club\/wp-content\/cache\/podlove\/b9\/9336e3b2ea5b08886739de82e133cd\/tales-of-the-unattested_400x400.jpg","feeds":[{"type":"audio","format":"mp3","url":"https:\/\/unattested.club\/feed\/mp3\/","variant":"high"}]};

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Things we reference:

Deadpool & JTHM – Take those as a given EVERY episode.
The “Gaslighting” tweet that Dan mangled while trying to remember – https://twitter.com/DrLucyRogers/status/1032184468596051968
Dan loves Justified a sadly long finished series from FX, so good!
Caz loves Hannibal and is currently enjoying Sick Note.
We both love Ready Player One, the movie. Caz has read the book but Dan hasn’t, there’s a shocker!

Keep dancing people, dance like nobody is watching, you beautiful maniac you.

Now get out of our shop! ….and please come again

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