It's pretty common to think about the weekend---especially on a Friday.

We make plans to do things we can't do and see people we can't see during the week.

The biggest thing about the weekend is that you have time.

Time is probably our most precious commodity and treasure.

The fact is that wherever you spend your time; your heart is sure to follow.

Put another way, where your treasure is, your heart will be also.

So how will you spend your time this weekend? 

Will it be spent doing household chores, running errands, or watching television?

Do you want to do something revolutionary?!

Spend some time with God this weekend!

Spend time with God in His Word; The Bible.

Spend some time with Him this weekend in prayer.

Remember, prayer is not a wish list. It is quality time characterized by an engaged with the Creator of all existence.

Spend some time with God by being with His people; the church.

The church is not a building or religious organization.

The church is a group of people who have been called out of this world system into the Kingdom of God by Jesus Christ of Nazareth.

Will you spend time with Jesus this weekend? Will you learn more about Him?

Will you be His hands and feet by serving people?

I hope and pray you do.

Take time with Jesus.

He took the time to die---For You.

-Jason Vreeke

P.S. Episode 10 will be released tomorrow! Keep a lookout!

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