Who is this guy? Where did he come from? The question is not as easy to answer as we would like. In fact, the legend of Santa Claus has many contributing factors. I want to just look at the aspect of how a historical figure, Saint Nicholas, became Santa Claus.

He was born in possibly 280 AD and was a devotee of Jesus Christ. He became the Bishop of Myra in what would be modern-day Turkey.  He was known as being a defender of true Christianity. Some say he was even present during the Nicean Creed and was a fierce opponent of Arianism (the teaching that Jesus is a created being).

Saint Nicholas was also known as being a great gift-giver. He later became the patron saint of children, unmarried girls, and many more. This was due largely to his reputation of giving gifts to needy children and providing gold for the dowries of poor unwed girls. There is one legend that speaks of how how he threw gold down a chimney to perhaps land in socks drying on the fireplace...stockings anyone?

His death was recorded on December 6, 343 AD after being imprisoned by Roman Emperor Diocletian. After this, December 6 also became his feast day. To commemorate this man, people would get together to eat, and exchange gifts.

The legend grew as stories arose of Saint Nicholas bringing gifts for good little children on the night of December 5; wearing his red bishop robes. Bad little boys and girls were to fear him; as no gifts would be given to them. Some legends speak of him capturing the naughty children by using a sack or threatening to assault them with a rod.

In The Netherlands, the name Sint Nicolaas became contracted into Sinterklaas. Over time this contraction became relaxed until we came to the term Santa Claus.

I think that if the real Saint Nicholas saw what Christmas had become---the focus having been removed from Jesus and relocated to legends and commercialism---he would be very dismayed. This man died in prison for the cause of Christ!

So what do we do with the modern display of Christmas?

Use it to talk about Jesus!

Talk about how God became a man and was born in a manger. Talk about how that baby grew up into a Man---the greatest Man in history.Talk about how the calendar system revolves around this Man. Talk about how this Man was killed, having been nailed to a cross, and then rose from the dead. Talk about how this death and resurrection provide the only basis for which sinful humans can be reconciled to a Holy God. Make Jesus the forefront!

Your fellow revolutionary,

-Jason Vreeke