I once saw a billboard with some icons. The icons were as follows:

A Christmas Tree

A wrapped gift

A martini glass

These three icons were placed in a mathematical equation boasting that if you added them together you would have the holidays. In other words it said:

Christmas tree + Gift + Martini Glass = The Holidays

Really? Is that what the holidays are made of?! I sincerely hope nobody feels that way.

When I worked at Kwave Radio we ran a Christmas series of promos called "Home for the Holy Days." When we did I thought about how the word holiday is derived from the term holy days.

It's not that we should not give gifts or have fun during the holidays. I want my children to have the best Christmas ever. We will be enjoying all of the fun things we like to do during this season.

What I think is that we ought to pause and remember what Christmas is all about.

What is a revolution but a complete upheaval?

There is no revolution more tumultuous than when the God of the universe humbled Himself and became a lowly human. It is the greatest riches to rags story of all time. For Jesus, the Creator of the earth, to leave the glories of heaven to be born in a trough where animals eat, by definition, is revolutionary. For we are told the following:

         "Without controversy, great is the mystery of Godliness: God was manifest in the flesh."

                                                                                                 1 Timothy 3:16a (King James Version)

So this holiday season enjoy Christmas and have as much fun as you can, but also, remember Jesus. Remember all that He gave up so that you could receive greatest gift of all; namely Himself.

Your fellow revolutionary,

Jason Vreeke