I don't care if Monday's blue, Tuesday's grey and Wednesday too. Thursday? I don't care about you!

It's Friday!! I'm in love!

These popular lyrics will be familiar to many. It appears that the cure for the week is the weekend; and Friday leads us to the cure.

For lots of people Friday beckons as the end of a workweek. It is the signal that exciting times are ahead! Time for birthday parties, golfing, fishing, cycling, dirt biking, or just binge-watching your favorite shows on Netflix or Hulu.

But suppose going into the weekend you knew you were going to die. Suppose it was such a certainty that it caused great distress---the kind that causes you to sweat drops of blood from your head.

That's our great Revolutionary leader. He was nailed to a cross, quite possibly, on a Friday.

I have been accused of talking too much about death. But the fact is that our Revolution suffers more death than you can imagine.

2014 marked the deadliest year for those who name the name of Jesus Christ.

It was surpassed by 2015.

Not a good trend.

But here's the good news. Here's the reason to celebrate. When our great Revolutionary, Jesus of Nazareth, died on the cross...He didn't stay in His tomb. When Mary went to the tomb she was asked by an angel, "Why do you seek the living among the dead?" It was sort of a cryptic way of telling Mary that Jesus was alive.

What can you say about a man who is so revolutionary that He turns even death around? You can say He's the greatest Revolutionary of them all...but I hope you say that He is Lord.

So it's Friday! It's a time to celebrate and get ready for the weekend; unless you work in retail like I did for almost 20 years.

But this weekend enjoy the blessings you have, Ppay for the ones who do not have such blessings, and give all the glory to the Revolutionary of them all---Jesus Christ.


-Jason Vreeke