I remember a story about a couple of guys who had a paralyzed friend. They wanted him desperately to be healed. It's found in The Gospel According to Mark and the Gospel According to Luke in chapters two and five respectively.

Talk about great friends! These guys were determined. They adjusted their schedules, they canceled appointments, and they carried their friend because he needed Jesus. They knew that was all that mattered.

Think about it. These friends decide to carry there friend, on his bed, to a house where Jesus was. The house was so full that they couldn't even open the door! So what these friends do is they actually lower their friend into the house through the roof! You may have heard of raising the roof but this was something else entirely!

After this, Jesus saw their faith and said, "Friend, your sins are forgiven." Jesus was then questioned by the Pharisees about this and how only God could forgive sins. Jesus then also made this man well. He was able to walk. We may discuss this another time.

Isn't it fascinating that Jesus saw their faith and then forgave the paralyzed man of his sins? I am not proposing that a person is forgiven of sins directly based on the faith of others. What I am proposing is that the faith of others has a huge affect on people---especially when that faith introduces somebody to Jesus.

Think about it. Through the faith of friends this paralyzed man was brought to Jesus. This paralyzed man was brought face to face with God.

Here's the revolution.

When people are brought before Jesus, results happen.

I want to be like these friends who inconvenienced themselves and got our of their comfort zones in order to bring their friend face to face with Jesus. They knew only Jesus could help him. They knew this man needed a revolution---the kind only Jesus brings.

I know that I was once that paralyzed man. I am grateful for the faithful friends who carried me to Jesus; because now my sins are forgiven.

Would you be that faithful friend today? Carry your friends to Jesus.

Your fellow revolutionary,

Jason Vreeke