This time around, I'm rejoined by Premee Mohamed (@premeesaurus) to talk about her amazing new novella, And What Can We Offer You Tonight, out now from Neon Hemlock! After hearing the first chapter of the book, straight from the mouth of the author, we get into all the stories that Premee still wants to tell in the world of the book, and we talk fondly of a viscerally-uncomfortable scene from the book that we both love to bits. We also take a bit of time to talk about the other three (3) books that Premee has or will have out this year, all of which are well worth your time.


Things we mention in this episode:

My very on-brand outfit for this audio recording

Neon Hemlock Press 

The And What Can We Offer You Tonight launch party 

Leigh Harlen 

Mad Max 

The Old Man and the Sea, by Ernest Hemingway

L. D. Lewis' appearance on this very show

dave ring 

These Lifeless Things, by Premee Mohamed

The Annual Migration of Clouds, by Premee Mohamed

Beneath the Rising, A Broken Darkness, and The Void Ascendant, by Premee Mohamed

Premee on We Make Books 

Premee's website 


Join us again later this month, when I'll be talking with Leigh Harlen!

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