Once upon a time Cash saved a life that came back to haunt her. Who is the original owner of the famous black Stetson that graces her braids, and why is there a lonely grave marker in the Dirt Hills of Messier 1 that bears the name, "Greene?"

Written and Produced by R. E. Levy

Narrated by Kyle Lenhoff

You can support "Tales From The Ridge" and other R. E. Levy projects on Patreon.

Thank you to these users from freesounds.org for the use of their sound effects:

daveincamas, sophiehall3535, jakobhandersen, Joao_Janz, leosalom, minimumlabyrinth, DigestContent, Diegolar, kangaroovindaloo, DrDufus, alukahn, Cheeseheadburger, matt_ratz, florianreichelt, juanlopz08, jjhouse4, Flemur, cmusounddesign, EpicWizard, RTB45


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