This week we recap the biggest news and happenings around the world of barbecue,
including a big pitmaster departures at Franklin Barbecue and La Barbecue.

We also talk about the latest word on upcoming BBQ joints opening in the near future such
as The Switch, Blood Bros., Micklethwait, and more.

A quick word on our recent Doubleback BBQ pop up as well as a final thank you to everyone
who helped make the Santa Fe High School benefit the success it was.

Tune in every week to hear more stories and interviews!

This week we recap the biggest news and happenings around the world of barbecue,
including a big pitmaster departures at Franklin Barbecue and La Barbecue.

We also talk about the latest word on upcoming BBQ joints opening in the near future such
as The Switch, Blood Bros., Micklethwait, and more.

A quick word on our recent Doubleback BBQ pop up as well as a final thank you to everyone
who helped make the Santa Fe High School benefit the success it was.

Tune in every week to hear more stories and interviews!