My Birthday was on June 22, and I go over the details of that celebration of my 43rd year on the Earth. Topics covered Cleveland Cavs Finals Victory and Parade Conjuring 2 at the movies Does becoming a Dayton Art Institute member make you old? Eating BBQ at Company 7 for free The Witch and 10 Cloverfield Lane reviews Britain leaves the EU JRE with Russell Brand Songs New Old Fashioned- â??Good Companyâ?? Speaking Suns- â??The Disenchantedâ?? Andy Gabbard- â??Octomanâ?? Me and Mountains- â??Goldâ?? Motel Beds- â??4 amâ?? Enkiridian- â??New Oneâ?? Produced by Izzy Rock Email and Booking: [email protected] Website: Call the voicemail: 937-265-2024

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