This week Marty and Matt discuss:

- taproot activates successfully at block 609732

- muun wallet adds taproot support 

- SEC rejects VanEck spot bitcoin etf 

- Perth Heat baseball team adopts the bitcoin standard 

- crypto dot com spends $700M to rename Staples Center for 20 years 

- tether announces new subsidiary 'Synonym' to bring tokens and other features to lightning 

- Senators Wyden and Lummis submit bill to restrict bitcoin tax reporting rules in infrastructure bill 

 - Senator Cruz submits bill to repeal bitcoin portion of infrastructure bill 

- IRS expects billions of dollars worth of 'crypto' seizures next year 

- btcpayserver v1.3.5

- lnd v0.14.0-beta

- mercury wallet v0.4.51

- simple bitcoin wallet v2.4.18

- immortan v0.5.6

- fully noded v0.2.30

- umbrel v0.4.8

- hexa wallet v2.0.2

- ledger live desktop v2.35.1

- bitcoin banking for communities 

- reason minidoc on environmental impact of bitcoin 

Shoutout to our sponsors:

Cash App

Unchained Capital

Braiins - Daniel's thread

Compass Mining

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