2019 was a big year for The Arcanist. Contests were held, stories were published, some were nearly stolen, and new voices were heard.   As a reward to listeners, this episode of Prattle will be available to everyone, as well as at our Patreon page! To all of the writers, readers, Tweeters, and Patreon patrons, thank you for all you do.   Love speculative literature? Read hundreds of other science fiction, fantasy, and horror stories online for free at TheArcanist.io.   To support our writers, visit Patreon.com/TheArcanist.      Tales From The Arcanist is produced by the editors of The Arcanist. Music provided by WATERCAT from Fugue.

2019 was a big year for The Arcanist. Contests were held, stories were published, some were nearly stolen, and new voices were heard.   As a reward to listeners, this episode of Prattle will be available to everyone, as well as at our Patreon page! To all of the writers, readers, Tweeters, and Patreon patrons, thank you for all you do.   Love speculative literature? Read hundreds of other science fiction, fantasy, and horror stories online for free at TheArcanist.io.   To support our writers, visit Patreon.com/TheArcanist.      Tales From The Arcanist is produced by the editors of The Arcanist. Music provided by WATERCAT from Fugue.