Metaphase is upon us! Join us as we play Beam Saber this season. Everything is brand new and is the perfect opportunity to start listening. This season we will follow an up and coming squad known as the Thundermorphs and their rag tag pilots.

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Metaphase is upon us! Join us as we play Austin Ramsay’s Beam Saber this season. Everything is brand new and is the perfect opportunity to start listening. This season we will follow an up and coming squad known as the Thundermorphs and their rag tag pilots. While they may be part of a war between two powerful colonies trapped on a planet they strive to find more in life than just help for hire. We will play to find out what happens through trials and tribulations, victories and losses, and rivalries and friendships made along the way.


Before we enter the Mauxferry system, listen up. I have some information to share with you that should prove useful to you down there in the field, and I’ll only broadcast this once.

The Mauxferry system is not an extraordinary system, there are biosignatures on a few of the orbital bodies. But your focus will be the second planet and its two artificial moons. Both of which are colonies that arrived via FTL. One of them is a Javelin-class colony known as JOSH while the other is a Phalanx-class colony operated by House Durche. 

The planet, known as Cataphrax, is primarily a mining outpost for the JOSH colony. They are doing what all colonies do. Mine the planet until there is nothing left and then crack it to get the remains. 

Issue is that the JOSH colony is at war with House Durche. It all started with a marriage turned sour between the two, resulting in the regicide of one of House Durche’s rulers by the hands of the JOSH colony. Throw in a spat between Starlight Corporation and the anarchist technology group The Collective and well things only get worse.

The kicker to this all is the planet is living. Well at least the mantle of the planet is.The latest reports indicates that it may be a hostile entity. However, the mass is kept in check through a mechanism known as the Fulmination Pinfold, a huge cluster of nano-sized objects in the atmosphere that alter weather patterns and have other, unknown effects on the planet. It recently activated and now makes it a deadly ordeal to get on or off the planet, or heck even exist on it.

The big takeaway is Cataphrax is a dangerous, nearly lawless place. Stick to orders and don’t piss off the ruling factions and their loyal squads. One careless move could shift the balance causing planetary level catastrophe.


You can catch every episode of Tales From Mauxferry Season Metaphase streamed live on the Geekspective Network Twitch channel every other Saturday 7 PM EST!

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You can find the cast on Twitter at @EvilDMJosh @Rocketorca @SteadyMinotaur @KyleLatino.

This episode was edited by Brother John – He can be reached on Twitter @That_Drawer for all your podcast needs.

Original music Telomere by Devin Nelson – They can be reached on Twitter @devindecibel for your music needs and can check out all their original music on Bandcamp.


The post Metaphase 01: The One Way Trip Pt 1. appeared first on Geekspective.

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