We’ve been doing it ……….. or have we?

This one is for the youth. Yes, you. If you’re between the ages of 15 & 35, this one is for you. And to be honest for the rest of us too.

In this episode, I talk to Dr. Karina de Bruin the MD of JvR Academy who is an accomplished academic in her own right. We discuss the future of work, and, as it’s youth month, we focus on the youth. Karina’s only slightly joking when she says “we start preparing for our careers the minute we are born”.

Why? Because when we step back, we realize that the things that make us “work ready” in this 21st Century workspace, are skills we’ve been tacitly learning from a very young age. Making it work for the world of work so to speak , is really about being aware of what you have and building on it. Dr de Bruin provides very practical après for building these skills and strengths. I particularly enjoyed her 5 steps for building EQ. Enjoy.