Brad Giles is the Founder and Managing Director of Evolution Partners, a top strategic and leadership advisory firm. As a serial entrepreneur, Brad has founded multiple fast-growth companies and supported hundreds more. He is also an author, speaker, and leadership coach with over 20 years of experience. He helps CEOs build, execute, and maintain accountability over their strategic plans.

In this episode…

Research shows that 84% of companies have an onboarding process of 14 days or less. But this hinders employees’ success since performance accelerates after 30 days of onboarding. So how can you empower top talent with the knowledge and opportunities to thrive in their roles?

Leadership expert Brad Giles advocates for a 90-day onboarding process divided into three pivotal stages. The first month should include weekly induction meetings communicating position and organizational expectations. The second phase transitions from mentoring to practical skill application to overcome the learning curve. As the new hires progress in their roles, leaders should build and nurture relationships and encourage consistent practice. This strategic system mitigates knowledge gaps and promotes productivity.

In this episode of Talent Wins, Brad Giles of Evolution Partners joins the host Chris Mursau to discuss best practices for hiring and onboarding. He explains onboarding debt, hiring strategies and tools, and the difference between onboarding, orientation, and induction. 

Resources Mentioned in this episode Chris Mursau on LinkedIn Topgrading on LinkedIn Topgrading Brad Giles on LinkedIn Made to Thrive: The Five Roles to Evolve Beyond Your Leadership Comfort Zone by Brad Giles Evolution Partners The Growth Whisperers podcast