Kevin Akeroyd is the CEO of PROUnlimited, a workforce management solution that leverages AI, machine learning, data visualizations, and analytics. The company is the first vendor-neutral managed services program (MSP), employing the most innovative vendor management software.   

Kevin began his career at R.R. Donnelley, eventually rising to VP of Sales and leading the company’s first software division. He later took on sales leadership roles at several marketing, technology, and e-commerce companies. Kevin would go on to become the CEO and GM of at Salesforce, the GM and SVP of the Oracle Marketing Cloud, and the CEO of Cision, a $780 million SaaS company which he eventually sold back into private equity for $2.8 billion.   

In this episode…

How can leaders embrace change and guide their teams through challenges? What goes into successfully implementing new systems and programs?

Kevin Akeroyd, who became the CEO of PROUnlimited in the midst of the pandemic, knows how to lead effectively and help a company evolve. Before making any changes as the new CEO, Kevin spent two months listening and learning from the team. Within a year, he’s been able to develop a five-year plan, foster growth, and implement innovative systems. How did he do it? By declaring his objectives, communicating clearly, investing in his ideas, and measuring success. 

In this episode of the Talent Wins Podcast, Chris Mursau is joined by Kevin Akeroyd, CEO of PROUnlimited, to talk about powerful leadership techniques. Kevin shares how his company has been successful in the COVID era, the four key tactics leaders need to follow for effective innovation, and tips for improving company culture and welcoming change. Stay tuned! 

Resources Mentioned in this episode Chris Mursau on LinkedIn  Topgrading on LinkedIn Topgrading Kevin Akeroyd on LinkedIn PROUnlimited