Previous Episode: Episode #2: Tim Jarvinen

“As a leader, you put yourself in their position, and I think that has been an asset in my entrepreneurial journey. Just being able to feel what they're feeling." -- Cody Newton 

Cody Newton (@newton_cody) is a leading industry professional, serial entrepreneur, Co-Owner and Co-Founder of Bonvera, franchiser, and father of 5. Cody is a self-taught, hands-on entrepreneur that has started multiple companies including Bonvera and has become a leading industry professional building teams of passionate people rooting together towards gone goal and vision. 

In this episode, Cody joins Bob to discuss the heart behind his entrepreneurial journey. They chronicle hilarious stories from Cody’s childhood that shaped his educational path and the beginning of his entrepreneurial endeavors. Along the way, Bob highlights the phenomenal speaker Cody is and what good books they’re reading. The continuous thread throughout this episode is what it takes to have the heart of an entrepreneur, to feel the pain and joy, and the heart to learn, grow, and do it even when you’re scared. With these two, there are many laughs, good stories, and sharings from the heart. 

This episode mentions books and leaders including Peter Thiel, The Captain Class: The Hidden Force That Creates the World's Greatest Teams by Sam Walker, The Power of Five by John Maxwell, How to Have Confidence and Power in Dealing with People by Les Giblin. Links include Thrive Farmers Coffee, which is a unique partnership with Bonvera to provide customers and entrepreneurs exceptional coffee from Latin America. Thrive Farmers offers specialty-grade coffee hand-grown by farmers in Latin America that have grown coffee for generations. By partnering with Thrive Farmers, farmers receive 3.5X more in wages than before. This net income increase empowers farmers to then improve access to other needs for a thriving life, including healthcare, education, clean water and more. You can learn more about Cody at this link.