Dustin Markowski – CEO of Power Solar


4:00 min – Graduated High School at 14 and was accepted to Harvard.

10:30 min – Advice to young people – people want to speak into your life. Be careful who you listen to!

13:00 min – Dustin ditches a legal career in corporate law to go into technology and sales.

14:00 min – Dustin discovers frameworks for success in sales and business.

Slow down and do things well. Perfect your process.
Success takes many times years of failure to learn and grow to hit your success
“The only difference between success and failure is when you decide to end your story.”
Don’t own labels that others give you!

21:00 min – Failure is not fatal when you learn from it.

24:00 min – Dustin makes the leap to cleantech and solar energy

There is nothing like owning your own business
The economics are in your favor
The gig economy is growing faster than ever
Advice – Young people should start a business. You have a cushion that you don’t have at other times in life.

30:30 min - Why Solar Energy makes sense now?

One electric vehicle doubles the energy need of a household. The average household have 1.8 vehicles. We could see a tripling of energy usage of the average home in the US in the next decade we move to electric vehicles.

37:25 min – Government Investment in Clean Tech

The government is helping businesses and homeowners go solar but why don’t government agencies have budgets to go solar themselves?
Inflation Reduction Act – Tax credit is now 30%
Nonprofits can now take part of this tax credit
This not about selling but really about educating people about the benefits

48:00 min – We are at the start of the clean tech revolution just like technology was in the early 90’s

Book Recommendation

Commanding Your Morning – Cindy Trimm
Pitch Anything - Oren Klaff

Twitter @DustinPaul

Website - Power.Solar 
Twitter @RobertDickie
Website - RobertDickie.com