Show Notes:

Kelly Fletcher is the founder and CEO of Fletcher Marketing & PR. She is a graduate of Meredith College with a degree in communications. She is the host of Ms. InterPReted Podcast: Public Relations Demystified.

(2:00) How is the marketing, PR, media, and crisis communications industry changing today?The how and why of reaching the female audience.(14:30) You can't fix communications problems unless you fix operational issues first.(21:00) Why Kelly "the expert" hired an expert to help her with her personal "rebranding."Dr. Trillion Small - Business/Mindset Coach(24:00) What I appreciate about Kelly...her leadership, humility, and experience.(27:00) How Kelly continues to grow and navigate through difficult times.(30:00) Kelly hires a mindset coach to help her go to the next level. Why do high performers have a coach and why does it matter?(40:00) Why Kelly is hiring business coaching for her son for Christmas.(46:00) How to build your culture in a remote environment and why it is so important for a business and relationships with your team.(51:00) What is the biggest challenge of the remote workplace environment?Book RecommendationsThe Secret Life of the Savoy Hotel - Olivia Williams(57:00) If Kelly could give a State of the Union Address to the American people this is what she would say."Sphere of Influence vs. Sphere of Control" "We all need to do the hard work of becoming a good person!"As we are about to land the plane Kelly decides to tell a story about her "blanky!" :) Go Kelly!!!