Jenilee Goodwin opens up with us about the stressful intense time in her life that included a tough medical diagnosis, family issues, cancer and the quick death of her mother-in-law, putting her girls in boarding school for the first time-- all of that on top of regular expat stresses, expectations, and responsibilities. These combined circumstances led to a very intense time in her life. In this episode of Taking Route Podcast, Jenilee shares tools and lessons she and her family learned persevering through these difficult times. She shares some truths about communication, sleep, and giving yourself and your loved space and compassion. Grab your cup of coffee and enjoy our chat with Jenilee!

Stay tuned to the end of the episode to hear about an exciting new podcast series that will be coming soon!

We also have show notes!  Light reading for your pleasure.

Connect with Jenilee: Website | Instagram

Connect with Denise

Connect with Melissa

Connect with Alicia


How is it with three teenage girls?

Explain about your last few years and what has made it so intense?

How have you come to the decision to stay work through those things on the field?

What does good communication look like for you and (your husband)?

Are there any special resources you have used to get you through these difficult times (with the Enneagram)?

What does staying healthy spiritually look like for you when going through an intense time?

As your are sliding down the bellcurve of intensity if getting over the challenges, what has helped you get over that time?

What were some of things to move forward through from sadness?

How did your family come to the decision of boarding school?

Can you share about the writing and “Behind the Prayer Card?”

What would you say to the expat woman who may be going through the most intense time of their life?


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We also have show notes!  Light reading for your pleasure.