On the difficult days of expat life, we might be guilty of daydreaming about "going home." But then, we snap ourselves out of it and declare, "what doesn't kill me only makes me stronger!" We pick ourselves up by the bootstraps and march forward, determined to stay the course and not let anything threaten to send us packing. Over time, pride takes over and suddenly we think "going home" is equal to "quitting." But what if it's EXACTLY what the Lord is calling us to do? What if going home is the next RIGHT step to take? Join us as we chat with returning guest, Lauren Pinkston, on the topic of going "home."

Connect with Lauren | and her fair-trade business: Wearthy | and her new job

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We also have show notes!  Light reading for your pleasure.


Questions discussed during this episode:

When you moved overseas, did you think it was going to be forever?

When you started thinking about coming back to your passport country, walk me through what that looked like. Was it just because your 5-year contract was coming to an end?

What were the confirmations to move back?

How did you work through the bitterness and resentment and get to a place where you were ok going back to the U.S.?

Did you have any fears about how you would be viewed once you got back to the United States?

How did you finish well? What were some of the things you did before you got on that plane that has allowed you to live in more freedom being back in North America?

Now that you’re on the other side, what was it like landing and still having the hardships you carried with you from Southeast Asia?

Now that you’ve been through the whole process, how has it been confirmed that this was the right thing for your family?

What’s on the horizon for you?