There are very few careers on this earth where we group individuals by their marital status. However, when it comes to team dynamics and cultural expectations overseas, it happens a lot.  Oftentimes, we gravitate towards being best friends with people who share the same marital status as us, but that doesn't have to be the case. In this episode we talk with happily-single Amy Young.  She shares about her experiences of living in community during her 20 years of life in China. We discuss the good and the hard of building a community which intertwines families and singles, and how sometimes you just have to invite yourself and ask to be included. Amy eloquently describes how families need singles and singles need families.  When expats work hard to open our doors and our lives to each other, community is built and beauty is found.  Also, find out how her life was like an episode of Friends.You know how much we love referencing Friends...

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Please check out our shownotes for all the resources listed in this episode including links to "Our Favorite Things"

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