It’s 2022! And we’re kicking off the new year and new season with change. Specifically, we’re going to look at how the language we use influences the way we think about and approach the world around us.

As an anchor for the conversation, Nikki gives us a review of I Get To: How using the Right Words Can Radically Transform Your life, Relationships & Business by Alicia Dunams, a book that has helped us to refine the way we think about the language we use and how it influences our own mood as we approach hard things. We communicate through our words, tone of voice, and non-verbal cues such as body language. As Dunams says, “crafting our daily language with effective words and tone is a true art.”

Along the way, we lean on two other resources. The first is the work of Karen Reivich, author of The Resilience Factor: 7 Keys to Finding Your Inner Strength and Overcoming Life's Hurdles. She gives us a framework to reframe negative thinking in a positive light.

And Emily Campbell gives us insight into how our natural spirit of curiosity — not judgment — is the secret to healthy emotional well-being in her piece, “Six Surprising Benefits of Curiosity” published in Greater Good Magazine by UC Berkeley.

This week’s episode is sponsored by TextExpander from Smile Software. TextExpander is central to our daily productivity and with a little curiosity and exploration, it might just be for you, too. Listeners of the show can save 20% on their first year by visiting

Links & Notes

I Get To: How using the Right Words Can Radically Transform Your life, Relationships & Business by Alicia DunamsThe Resilience Factor: 7 Keys to Finding Your Inner Strength and Overcoming Life's Hurdles by Karen Reivich“Six Surprising Benefits of Curiosity” by Emily CampbellSponsor: TextExpander from Smile SoftwareWhat Is TextExpander?
(00:00) - Welcome to The ADHD Podcast
(02:42) - Sponsor: TextExpander
(06:02) - Support the Show: Become a Patron
(07:32) - Change Your Language: "I Get To: How Using the Right Words can Radically Transform Your Life"
(13:58) - How Rewards Impact Language
(15:58) - A Brief Aside on The QUIT Center...
(18:20) - What do you THINK you can do?
(22:10) - Facing the Impossible Situation
(23:00) - Why not? What if?
(30:35) - The Power of the Pause
(39:09) - Pete's Dad's Words to Live By...

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