Picking out a name is a powerful and consequential process. Names convey and create meaning. They reveal something about who we are, where we come from, and where we're headed. But is a person, business, or idea given a name because of who or what they are? Or do they grow and stretch to fit the name they were given? In this episode Gloria muses about the connections between choosing and using a name, claiming an identity, and creating a mission, and offers practical advice for maximizing the power of naming in your work and in life.

After you listen...

+Get to know the name and the story of the woman who forced the police to treat sexual assault like a crime.  

+Read Chanel Miller's memoir Know My Name, about her assault by Brock Turner and the aftermath.
+Learn about the #SayHerName movement and the campaign to resist police brutality against black women.

+Tap into the power of self awareness to become a better leader

+Explore the 9 Leadership Power virtual program and catapult yourself into your next leadership role.


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