Previous Episode: Don't Be So Darn Nice

In this heartfelt episode, Gloria helps us take a breath amid the global crisis and consider the possibilities if we only refocus our energy. “We’re in the season of rebirth. We’re in the season of disruption. The two have much in common. What we think of as normal may never be again, but in this season of rebirth and disruption, we have an opportunity to normalize some new realities, to create a future more intentionally and proactively than we have ever done,” she tells us. 

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These are the questions Gloria invites you to consider after you listen to this episode:

1. What is your biggest fear personally about how the pandemic is impacting or will impact your own life? What is your biggest fear? 

2. What is the greatest opportunity that you see for yourself as we come out of this difficult time? 

3. What path do you think the country or the world will take to a new normal, positive or negative? 

4. What is the one change you would most like to normalize?  

5. Anything else you want to say? 

Email Gloria with your answers and comments: [email protected]

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