Previous Episode: I Identify as a Procrastinator
Next Episode: The Royal Law

Sooooo much irony! The last episode I uploaded was titled I identify as a Procrastinator. If you haven't listened to that one, go ahead. It is so much about identity and shame and how we hold ourselves back. The reality of why I have gone quiet for 6 months has a little to do with what I share in that episode. But MUCH more to do with my business jumping off. What an odd time to hit my stride... Enter stage right COVID and Enter stage left a crazy RE market! I had been working for 6 months to get traction and as this finally paid off, sheltering in place became a thing! I like you had many new things to focus on. And something had to give. So I let go of a few things, one of which was podcasting.

But I am ready to get this thing going again. However, I am trying to learn and grow and develop boundaries. Season 1 was just 7 episodes. Pretty sure season 2 will be more. But I am still in the planning stages. Season 2 episode 1 will drop on 9/20/2020 which happens to be my 49th birthday. I hope to celebrate with you on that day! One of the founding concepts for Take the Lead is that each of us is created with gifts and strengths. My goal is to celebrate the Creator in YOU! 

In the meantime, you can follow me on
Hope to connect with you there!

YOU MATTER! YOU DESERVE LOVE! I am grateful you joined me here. My passion to help you lead yourself and others comes from a core belief that we are all creators! Creation can build leadership! Take the Lead today!!!