Pilar Gerasimo is a pioneering content innovator and healthy-living advocate. Her personal and professional passion: Helping people lead healthier, happier, more sustainable lives. Best known for her work as founding editor of Experience Life magazine (est. 2001), Pilar is also the creative force behind RevolutionaryAct.com and the author of A Manifesto for Thriving in a Mixed up World. In 2013, she accepted the top post at the Huffington Post’s Healthy Living division, then gave up her day job to consult and write a book on the art of being healthy in an unhealthy world. A lifelong vitality-seeker, Pilar has seen a lot of health fads come and go, and seen a lot of solid science either misreported or ignored by the mainstream media. She made it her life’s mission to help others make sense of what is too often a confusing muddle of health and fitness cacophony.
Today, Experience Life has national circulation of more than 630,000 and reaches an estimated 3.2 million health-motivated men and women. It has earned a stellar editorial reputation and attracted a fleet of coveted national advertisers. It has garnered kudos from internationally recognized health and lifestyle leaders, including Dr. Mehmet Oz, Dr. Mark 2 Hyman, Dr. Frank Lipman, Blue Zones author and National Geographic explorer Dan Buettner, Oprah life-coach Cheryl Richardson, and health advocate Queen Rania of Jordan.
In addition leading Experience Life, Pilar also served as Life Time Fitness’s senior vice president of education, becoming the company’s first female senior executive. While working with Life Time, she developed a number of educational and media initiatives, including a FM radio show (“Get a Whole Life”) and a pilot program for a healthy-living television show (“Experience Life TV”). In 2010, responding to worsening trends in obesity and chronic disease, Pilar tagged Experience Life magazine with a bold new mantra: “Being Healthy Is a Revolutionary Act.” She captured what she saw as the 10 guiding truths of this emerging healthy revolution in her richly illustrated chapbook, A Manifesto for Thriving in a Mixed-Up World (Experience Life, 2010).
With five-star ratings and more than 150,000 downloads, the app has sparked viral social media interest, driving millions of Tweets and Facebook impressions while putting the magazine’s high-quality content into the hands of millions of new readers.