Ashley Koff RD is your better health enabler. Koff knows firsthand that better nutrition powers better health. Over two decades as a dietitian, Koff developed better nutrition tools to help her patients and their practitioners get results. Today as CEO of The Better Nutrition Program, Koff makes those tools available online as part of The Better Nutrition Membership and during her "Build Your Better Nutrition Plan" workshops for groups (book clubs, schools, organizations and businesses). A practitioner first, Koff is an award-winning nutrition expert, author, speaker, consultant, spokesperson and advocate. She regularly shares her better nutrition message with millions via national media, social media and co-hosts the podcast “Take Out with Ashley and Robyn." For more about Ashley or to get the Better Nutrition tools visit

A former financial and food industry analyst, Robyn O’Brien triggered an allergic reaction in the food industry when she asked: “Are we allergic to food or what’s been done to it?”She has been called “food’s Erin Brockovich” by Bloomberg and the New York Times. From a conservativeTexas family, Robyn earned an MBA on a full scholarship, graduating as the top woman in her class before going to work as a financial analyst that covered the food industry.

For over a decade, she has helped lead a food awakening among consumers, corporations and political leaders.

Armed with data and analytics, food companies and policy makers respond to Robyn’s work. Robyn highlights the actions needed at the local, national and global levels to secure a smarter food system.

She has presented to multinational corporations like Bloomberg, Compass Food Group, Chipotle, Nestle, Target and others. Robyn has also worked with and advised grocery stores, farming associations and startups in the food industry. She sheds light on how the changing landscape of food and health are impacting the food industry and our economy.

While working as an equity analyst, she was specifically assigned to cover the food industry where she had the opportunity to meet with the management teams from Kroger, Costco, Whole Foods and other companies on a regular basis. She also met with Goldman Sachs’ Henry Paulson, Ebay’s Meg Whitman and Martha Stewart as they were taking their companies public.