In Episode #10, the Pavement Pounders discuss the influential and criminally under-read (at least in the U.S.) The Day of the Triffids, by John Wyndham. The 1962 British film adaptation as well as the 1981 and 2009 BBC mini-series adaptations are also discussed. We’re considering this the end of Season One of Take Me To Your Reader, … Continue reading TMTYR Episode #10: Triffids Scream For Ice Cream, or Day of the Torrence (Day of the Triffids) →

“Dayofthetriffids” by Reynold Brown. Licensed under Public domain via Wikimedia Commons.

In Episode #10, the Pavement Pounders discuss the influential and criminally under-read (at least in the U.S.) The Day of the Triffids, by John Wyndham. The 1962 British film adaptation as well as the 1981 and 2009 BBC mini-series adaptations are also discussed. We’re considering this the end of Season One of Take Me To Your Reader, so we went out with a bang here, discussing the book and three adaptations, as well as having a rather extended discussion of just what makes a good adaptation.  Sparks fly, and there may be a bit of hair-pulling and an insult here or there.  Honestly, though, we actually like each other. (We’ll be back in September, probably, with new episodes.)

Pounder Rankings!:


1981 miniseries
2009 miniseries
1962 film


1981 miniseries
2009 miniseries
1962 film


2009 miniseries
1981 miniseries
1962 film


Colin’s reference to Matthew Inman as the author of XKCD was in error (and Seth and James totally didn’t catch it).  That’s Randall Munroe (  Matthew Inman is The Oatmeal.  We at the Pavement Pounders Podcast admire them both.
Secret Social Life of Plants:
How long would electricity last:
Gene drives (Science Magazine):
The Day of the Triffids graphic novel:
The Day of the Triffids full cast audiobook:
How to Make a Triffid:
Trifid Nebula:
Seth’s review of The Day of the Triffids:
 Seth’s review of Blindness: