The Pavement Pounders take a look at The Day the Earth Stood Still (1951), adapted from Harry Bates's Farewell to the Master. Also, that 2008 remake.

It’s here, folks!  Oh, not on iTunes, yet, on account of making sure everything’s working first.  We’re all new to this.  But feel free to download it here if you like.  If you’re patient, you should be able to find us in iTunes in a couple of weeks.

In their inaugural episode, the Pavement Pounders discuss the Harry Bates short story Farewell to the Master, the classic 1951 film adaptation of the story titled The Day the Earth Stood Still and the remake from 2008 of the same name.

Pounder Rankings!!!


1951 film
2008 film


1951 film
2008 film


1951 film
2008 film


Seth’s review of Farewell to the Master