“The experience of reading is going to be luxurious. It’s going to be giving yourself the room and the space to sit down and make a real connection with something.” - Steve Casimiro

What does it mean to be adventurous? How often do you find yourself connecting with the outdoor community in a quiet place, without the distractions of cell phones and other devices? With everything now available on your iphone, ipad, or other mobile/desktop devices, we find ourselves moving further away from print publications. Steve Casimiro believes in providing outdoor adventure publication pieces to provide the reader with an experience they can connect with.

Steve Casimiro joins us to discuss the Print industry and his own publication, “Adventure Journal.” Steve has been doing print for over 30 years, and working with National Geographic since 1998. He currently resides in Monarch, CA.

Bulletpoints Steve has been doing print for 30 years. Steve has spent the last 7 years building a customer base and proving himself to Advertisers. Pre web, if you did a story that upset people you didn’t really hear much. Nowadays it’s easier to voice your opinions via internet. The web makes it easier to hold writers accountable for their work and it’s success/failure. A key part of building Adventure Journal is keeping it small and manageable at the moment. Steve wants to do the stories that he feels are best, not the stories that are going to jump off the newsstand. The stories in the [Adventure Journal] quarterly will only be available in print. The nature of the stories being put out are thoughtful pieces to explore what it means to be adventurous. Steve is doing Adventure Journal exactly the way he wants -- in order to create an experience for readers. There is around 112 pages of editorial in each issue. Links

Steve’s Pieces: https://www.adventure-journal.com/author/steve-casimiro/

Adventure Journal: https://www.adventure-journal.com/

Steve’s IG: https://www.instagram.com/stevecasimiro/