I sat down and spoke to Robin about his travels and his love for photography.
Robin discussed how he first started travelling and how that led him to explore more as time went on. He spoke to me about his love for Iceland and the Faroe Islands. He has the ambition to see more of the world and talked to me about a few places on top of his bucket list.
We spoke about over-tourism as well. Our discussion was based on places like the Faroe Islands having too many tourists visiting that the locals can't handle it. Can there be something to tackle this?
Robin also told me about his visit to the Faroe Islands and the time of the year he went, where there was nothing open. He said he managed to survive somehow, which you will find out as there was no food for him to eat and he was travelling solo.
We spoke about Robin's photography skills and where that passion started. He talked to me about the type of photography he likes to take and his ambitions to get even better than he is now.
It was great to have Robin on the show, and I look forward to seeing his next adventure. I shall give him a ring when I visit Belgium myself.
You can also watch the episode on my YouTube channel (https://youtu.be/RlafDxG3nQM). For people with hearing impairment, substiles are available on YouTube.
#travelpodcast #podcast #travelphotographer
Stay Connected with Robin
Stay Connected with me.

I sat down and spoke to Robin about his travels and his love for photography.

Robin discussed how he first started travelling and how that led him to explore more as time went on. He spoke to me about his love for Iceland and the Faroe Islands. He has the ambition to see more of the world and talked to me about a few places on top of his bucket list.

We spoke about over-tourism as well. Our discussion was based on places like the Faroe Islands having too many tourists visiting that the locals can't handle it. Can there be something to tackle this?

Robin also told me about his visit to the Faroe Islands and the time of the year he went, where there was nothing open. He said he managed to survive somehow, which you will find out as there was no food for him to eat and he was travelling solo.

We spoke about Robin's photography skills and where that passion started. He talked to me about the type of photography he likes to take and his ambitions to get even better than he is now.

It was great to have Robin on the show, and I look forward to seeing his next adventure. I shall give him a ring when I visit Belgium myself.

You can also watch the episode on my YouTube channel (https://youtu.be/RlafDxG3nQM). For people with hearing impairment, substiles are available on YouTube.

#travelpodcast #podcast #travelphotographer


Stay Connected with Robin




Stay Connected with me.









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