Episode #446.  Salim Ramji, CFA, Global Head of iShares and Index Investments for BlackRock, discusses three ETF trends investors should be watching and the outlook for the industry in 2021 and beyond.   Episode Transcript: http://static.3playmedia.com/p/files/5596947/threeplay_transcripts/16696191?format_id=46&project_id=18442&format=pdf    Topics discussed: • 2:39 - The State of the Industry and the misperceptions about ETFs and indexing • 13:29 - What are the three biggest growth opportunities for 2021? • 25:53 - Clean Energy ETFs • 27:20 - When is scale good and when is it too much? • 29:20 - What else is next on the ETF landscape? • 32:50 - What longer term scars will COVID-19 leave on investors of your generation? • 35:35 - What is the one object or item you would take with you on a long duration space flight? • 37:38 – Wrap up questions Related articles and Links:   Enterprising Investor Blog: https://blogs.cfainstitute.org/investor/2020/03/30/dispelling-the-misperceptions-three-ways-etfs-benefit-financial-markets/ Financial Times Article: https://www.ft.com/content/537c45ca-5e2b-11ea-b0ab-339c2307bcd4 Professional Learning Tracker for CFA Institute members and charterholders: https://cpd.cfainstitute.org/    Connect:     LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/lauren-foster/    Twitter: https://twitter.com/laurenfosternyc   Subscribe to our YouTube channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCA3HUMuK4FSp_CvQH_2Ji7g   Email us for comments, questions, or appearance requests:[email protected]