歡迎大家來參加今年十月一日跟二日的波士頓台灣影展 (Taiwan Film Festival of Boston, TFFB)!

今天很高興歡迎到兩位 TFFB 的共同會長 Annie 跟 Yu-Jou!

<< 買票 link to buy tickets >>


(00:10) 介紹波士頓台灣影展 

(3:25) 今年的主題:「裂縫與光」Crack & Light

(4:25) 長片一: Grandma and Her Ghosts 魔法阿嬤

(7:55) 長片二: Eagle Hand 老鷹之手

(9:15) 長片三: Me and My Condemned Son 我的兒子是死刑犯

(11:00) 長片四: Enigma: The Chinese Crested Tern 尋找神話之鳥

(12:30) 長片五: Let the Wind Carry Me 乘著光影旅行

(13:45) 長片六: Listen Before You Sing 聽見歌 再唱

(15:30) 短片一 : The Passage  通道

(17:55) 短片二: Faces of a Taiwanese Opera Actress  苦伶的臉譜

(19:10) 分享學到的經歷


| Instagram @tffboston |

| Facebook @TFFBoston | 

| Twitter @Taiwan_FilmFest

| website: https://taiwanfilmfest.org |

| 捐款 donate 或介紹募款的申請表 |

TFFB is a nonprofit organization run fully by volunteers. Reach out to the team if you're interested in joining the team next year.


Say hi! 來打招呼!

Social media 社群: @twdiaspora on Twitter, Instagram, Facebook.

Show notes 主網頁: www.taiwanesediaspora.com.

Email 電子信箱: [email protected].

Support 贊助: https://ko-fi.com/twdiaspora and https://bookshop.org/shop/twdiaspora


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